Outcome of COP14 Ramsar
The 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Wetlands was held from Novembre 5th to 13th, 2022, in a hybrid format between Wuhan and Geneva.
The Convention On Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty that was adopted in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar and that provides the framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their ressources. The Convention was signed by France in 1971 and ratified in 1986. The number of contracting Parties is 172 States for 2473 Wetlands of International Importance.
Every three years the Parties meet at the Conference of the Contracting Parties (the COP) where they adopt decisions to administer the Convention and guide its implementation. For the 14th meeting of the COP, the opening ceremony and the high-level ministerial segment were organized by the Host Country China while the negotiations were held in Geneva, Switzerland. France was mobilized in eight side events in order to promote wetland-related initiatives and projects on its territory and abroad.
21 résolutions were adopted, some of which had been under discussion since COP12. Among the resolutions adopted are:
- The review of the fourth Strategic Plan (2016-2024) of the Convention on Wetlands and the contribution to integrate wetlands into Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Biodiversity Framework targets (resolution XIV.4);
- The implementation of the new approach to CEPA (communication, capacity-building, education, participation and awareness) that includes a reduced set of activities clearly linked to the Strategic Plan, the integration of the CEPA Programme in the Strategic Plan, the support of focal points and the building of more networks and partnerships (resolution XIV.8);
- The necessity to submit and update (every six years) the Ramsar Information Sheets (RISs) for all Wetlands of International Importance that the Contracting Parties have designated (resolution XIV13). France which has 25 Ramsar sites has highlighted its difficulties in updating the RISs;
- Enhancing the conservation and management of small wetlands by identifying a clear framework for their implementation (resolution XIV.15);
- Integrating wetland protection, conservation, restoration, sustainable use and management into national sustainable development strategies (resolution XIV.16);
- The protection, conservation, restoration, sustainable use and management of wetland ecosystems in addressing climate change (resolution XIV.17).
The 14th meeting of the COP was a success and allowed the adoption of difficult resolutions thanks to the efforts and compromises made by Parties. The next COP will take place in Zimbabwe in June or July 2025.