Technical and scientific cooperation

Find out what technical and scientific cooperation means for biodiversity. 

Technical and scientific cooperation and capacity building 

What is technical and scientific cooperation?

Technical and scientific cooperation (TSC) is a central feature of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The TSC Portfolio aims to encourage and facilitate action to improve the implementation of Articles 16, 17 and 18 of the CBD and related provisions of the Convention and its protocols, through a coordinated and integrated approach.

The aim is to enable Parties to pursue their individual or collective biodiversity-related objectives through twinning, cooperative exchange of knowledge and expertise, and improved access to available data, resources and technologies.

TSC and COP15

At the 15th Conference of the Parties, the States reaffirmed the importance of technical and scientific cooperation, technology transfer and capacity building for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

To find out more: Decision 15/8. Capacity building and technical and scientific cooperation

Implementation of technical and scientific cooperation 

The Clearing-House Mechanism and the TSC

TSC is structured in particular around the use of the CHM and its network. Stakeholders are encouraged to showcase and share their achievements in order to create an effective network for sharing knowledge, practices and technologies.

Within the French CBD clearing house, technical and scientific cooperation is illustrated by : 

  • An overview of key biodiversity players in France
  • A list of projects that contribute to preserving biodiversity and implementing the targets of the new Global Framework 
  • A form enabling users to add their own biodiversity-related projects to the CHM website, so that future project leaders can draw inspiration from existing collaborations.
  • An overview of France's national and international commitments to biodiversity and the implementation of the CBD in its territories.

The BioBridge initiative

In addition to the CHM network, the BioBridge initiative was launched to centralise and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation between the States Parties to the CBD and its protocols.

This programme brings together players from all the member countries, those offering and those requesting techniques, knowledge and technologies. 

It also provides member countries and organisations with a forum for sharing knowledge, best practice and feedback. 

The BioBridge platform currently includes 33 French organisations. To register, click here!