The National Biodiversity Strategy is part of an international framework that includes the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Aichi Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It has been incorporated into French domestic law in the Article L.110-3 of the Environemental Code.
The previous and second National Biodiversity Strategy (NBS2) was adopted on 2010 for the period 2011-2021 and set 6 major strategic orientations gathering different objectives with the ambition to strenghtening the commitment of stakeholderes and to integrate biodiversity in all activites and public policies. However, its results are mixed, given the persistent decline of biodiversity that demonstrates the limits of the policies and strategies implemented to protect biodiversity.
The new National Biodiversity Strategy for the decade 2021-2030 must therefore reverse the trajectory of biodiversity decline.
The first part of the NBS 2030 was adopted and published in March 2022. It is the result of a process of co-construction with stakeholders in metropolitan and overseas territories and of a citizen consultation launched in spring 2021.
The new Strategy (NBS3) is based on three principles :
"Sobriety" in the use of natural resources;
Coherence of actions ;
The objectives of this Strategy have been elaborated in line with the Aichi Targets and are also based on the direct pressures on biodiversity identified by the IPBES.
The NBS3 is based on a triple objective: to protect biodiversity, restore it, and live with it by enhancing its benefits.

The Strategy is organized in 5 structuring pillars grouping together different objectives. For each objective, targets are identified, some of which correspond to those of the United Nations Global Biodiversity Framework. These objectives are supported by operational measures specifying the associated goals, stakeholders and levers to facilitate their monitoring and evaluation.
Overview of the five pillars and objectives that structure the NBS3
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Pillar 1 : "Protected, restored and resilient ecosystems"
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Pillar 2 : "Natural resources and ecosystem services used sustainably and equitably"
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Pillar 3 : "A society that is aware, trained and mobilized"
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Pillar 4 : "Cross-functional management supported by knowledge and focused on results"
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Pillar 5 : "Financing to support biodiversity policies"

To implement this new Strategy, France has planned:
Multiple levers to be activated, whether they are normative, fiscal, financial or incentive-based;
Operational and concrete measures, supported by scientific knowledge and the precautionary principle;
Consistency and complementarity with other internatinal, European, national and local strategies;
A complete steering, monitoring and evaluation system that is transparent, pluralist and equipped with relevant indicators.
Following the adoption of the GBF at COP15, this first part of the third NBS should be amended to integrate the latest modifications of this framework.
To read the complete document of the NBS3, please go here.